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Here's a script that adds an rcon command called 'cfg'. It is intended for server admins that want to execute several commands at once. For example to easily change server settings for switching between public/match-settings. The script supports unlimited number of config-files.


  1. Place in the BF2 Server Directory/admin/standard_admin/ directory.
  2. Add a line in the file in the same directory that says import cfg.
  3. Make a directory called cfg in the BF2 Server Directory/admin/ directory.
  4. Place your configs there, with the file-extension .cfg, containing one command per line.
  5. Restart server, login through rcon and type rcon cfg <config name without .cfg>

For example: rcon cfg restart (to execute BF2 Server Directory/admin/cfg/restart.cfg.)

The Code

As you might see most of the script is copied from

Download link for the script


2005-08-03: First version posted