Scripts:Vehicle Class Limit
This ModManager script prevents use of certain vehicle classes.
Whenever a player enters one of the forbidden vehicles a 10 second timer is started if it's not already running.
When the timer is activated it checks all the players and tries to punish the trespassers. As it's almost impossible to kill a player serverside (the player could be standing near a supply drop, health pack, heli landing pack etc.) the script decreases the health of player and the occupied vehicle, hoping for a fast explosion.
The timer is deactivated if no players were in the forbidden vehicles.
ModManager or BF2CC
- unzip the file (or copy and paste into to admin/modules in your Battlefield 2 server install.
- if necessary, edit the file and change the forbidden classes (by default the forbidden classes are Armor, Helicopter and Aircraft)
- change your modmanager.con and include the following line:
''modmanager.loadModule "mm_climit"''
The source is included below and the current version is also available here.
# vim: ts=4 sw=4 noexpandtab """Vehicle class limit module. ===== About ===== This ModManager script prevents use of certain vehicle classes. Whenever a player enters one of the forbidden vehicles a 10 second timer is started if it's not already running. When the timer is activated it checks all the players and tries to punish the trespassers. As it's almost impossible to kill a player serverside (the player could be standing near a supply drop, health pack, heli landing pack etc.) the script decreases the health of player and the occupied vehicle, hoping for a fast explosion. ;) The timer is deactivated if no players were in the forbidden vehicles. ===== Config ===== Enter the forbidden classes in the ForbiddenTypes list below ===== History ===== v1.0 - 20060119: Initial public version v0.9 - 20051224: Internal release Author: graag42atgmaildotcom You're free to use and modify this script """ import bf2 import host import mm_utils from bf2.stats.constants import * # Set the version of your module here __version__ = 1.0 # Set the required module versions here __required_modules__ = { 'modmanager': 1.0 } # Does this module support reload ( are all its reference closed on shutdown? ) __supports_reload__ = True # Set the description of your module here __description__ = "VehicleClassLimit v%s" % __version__ #comma separated list of forbidden classes ( defined in bf2.stats.constants ) ForbiddenTypes = [VEHICLE_TYPE_ARMOR, VEHICLE_TYPE_AVIATOR, VEHICLE_TYPE_HELICOPTER] updateTimer = None class NoFly( object ): def __init__( self, modManager ): # ModManager reference = modManager # Internal shutdown state self.__state = 0 # Add any static initialisation here. # Note: Handler registration should not be done here # but instead in the init() method def onEnterVehicle( self, player, vehicle, freeSoldier): """Player entered a vehicle - check if the class is allowed and start the timer in not.""" if 1 != self.__state: return 0 # Put your actions here if self.checkPlayerVehicle( player, vehicle, 0 ): self.StartTimer() def StartTimer( self ): """Start the timer if the state allows it and the timer isn't already started""" if 1 != self.__state: return 0 if not self.updateTimer: "Starting timer" ) #mm_utils.msg_server( "Starting timer" ) self.updateTimer = bf2.Timer(self.onUpdate, 10, 1) self.updateTimer.setRecurring(10) else: "Timer already enabled" ) #mm_utils.msg_server( "Timer already enabled" ) pass def StopTimer( self ): """Shutdown the timer""" if self.updateTimer: "Stopping timer" ) #mm_utils.msg_server( "Stopping timer" ) self.updateTimer.destroy() self.updateTimer = None else: "Timer already stopped" ) #mm_utils.msg_server( "Timer already stopped" ) pass def checkPlayerVehicle( self, player, vehicle, mode ): """mode 0 - player just entered vehicle, 1 - timed check if the vehicle class is forbidden: mode 0 - notify player via server message mode 1 - punish player returns True if player is in forbidden vehicle class, False othervise""" forbiddenClass = False try: vehicleType = getVehicleType(vehicle.templateName) vehicleDamage = vehicle.getDamage() body=player.getDefaultVehicle() bodyHealth=body.getDamage() #debug #if 1 == mode: # "Player %s (health %d) is in %s (class %d, health %d)" % ( player.getName(), bodyHealth, vehicle.templateName, vehicleType, vehicleDamage ) ) # #mm_utils.msg_server( "Player %s (health %d) is in %s (class %d, health %d)" % ( player.getName(), bodyHealth, vehicle.templateName, vehicleType, vehicleDamage ) ) #else: # "Player %s (health %d) entered %s (class %d, health %d)" % ( player.getName(), bodyHealth, vehicle.templateName, vehicleType, vehicleDamage ) ) # #mm_utils.msg_server( "Player %s (health %d) entered %s (class %d, health %d)" % ( player.getName(), bodyHealth, vehicle.templateName, vehicleType, vehicleDamage ) ) if vehicleType in ForbiddenTypes: forbiddenClass = True if 1 == mode: #punish mm_utils.msg_server( "Oh noes %s!" % ( player.getName() ) ) vehicle.setDamage(0.01) body.setDamage(0.01) else: #notify mm_utils.msg_server( "%s entered %s. Somebody set up us the bomb. Get out, QUICK!" % ( player.getName(), vehicle.templateName ) ) except: forbiddenClass = False return forbiddenClass def init( self ): """Provides default initialisation.""" # Register your game handlers and provide any # other dynamic initialisation here self.updateTimer = None if 0 == self.__state: # Register your host handlers here host.registerHandler( 'EnterVehicle', self.onEnterVehicle, 1 ) # Update to the running state self.__state = 1 # start the timer: if the module was reset during the game at least one check will be made # if no players are in forbidden vehicles the timer will shut down until someone enters one self.StartTimer() def onUpdate( self, data ): """timed check of all players""" if 1 != self.__state: return needTimer = False for player in bf2.playerManager.getPlayers(): try: vehicle=player.getVehicle(); if self.checkPlayerVehicle(player, vehicle, 1): needTimer = True except: try: player_name = player.getName() except: player_name = 'unknown' "Failed to check player '%s'" % player_name, True ) #do we still need the timer (at least 1 player in a forbidden class vehicle)? if needTimer: self.StartTimer() else: self.StopTimer() def shutdown( self ): """Shutdown and stop processing.""" # Unregister game handlers and do any other # other actions to ensure your module no longer affects # the game in anyway #stop the timer self.StopTimer # Flag as shutdown as there is currently way to: # host.unregisterHandler self.__state = 2 def update( self ): """Process and update. Note: This is called VERY often processing in here should be kept to an absolute minimum. """ pass def mm_load( modManager ): """Creates and returns your object.""" return NoFly( modManager )