# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Module: IdleKick.py
# Authors: xlr8or, www.xlr8or.com
# Version 2.02
# Description:
# This script kicks players who are idle, based on the configuration settings below.
# Requirements:
# None.
# Installation:
# Save this script as 'IdleKick.py' in your <bf2>/admin/standard_admin directory,
# and add the lines 'import IdleKick' and 'IdleKick.init()' to the file
# '<bf2>/admin/standard_admin/__init__.py'.
# Credit:
# This script is based on the pingkick script from the guys at bf2.no
# Format is mainly the same as what they did, and where I could use their
# code I have shamelessly done so.
# Credit therefor goes to Kybber and Panic, Battlefield.no
# History:
# Autobalancing is a nice feature, but not when a large part of your team
# is doing something else, while staying ingame to not lose their slot.
# BF2 does not have a spectator ability, so if you're not participating,
# you're letting your team down!
# Version 1.00 to 2.00:
# Cleaned some code up, added the ability to exclude clanmembers.
# Version 2.00 to 2.01:
# Cleaned and corrected some global def's.
# Version 2.01 to 2.02:
# Fixed the clantag protection.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# C O N F I G U R A T I O N
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Settings for auto-kicking:
autokick = 1 # Enables/disables autokicking
warnings = 10 # The number of checks/warns a player has to fail/get before being kicked
interval = 30 # The interval between idle checks
minplayers = 5 # The minimum ammount of players online before checking idle players.
announceme = 0 # Announce the module at roundstart?
warnme = 1 # Warn the idle player 3 intervals before the maximum nr of warnings is reached?
clantags = ["[XLR]","[xlr]","xlr8or"] # Clantags to protect from being kicked
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# I M P O R T
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
import host
import bf2
from bf2 import g_debug
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# V A R I A B L E S
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Let's set up our debug flag:
xlr_debug = False
# The timers:
IkCheckTimer = None # Timer firing off the idle checker. Depends on the 'interval' variable.
KickTimer = None # Timer that delays kicking after the final warning has been issued.
AnnounceTimer = None # Timer that delays the "activated" message after entering bf2.GameStatus.Playing
# List of people to kick for high idle. Will contain touples of p.index and p.getProfileId():
kicklist = []
# For keeping track of the game status:
gamestatus = None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# F U N C T I O N S
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# The init function is run by the standard_admin/__init__ functions:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def init():
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print 'IDLEKICK: initializing IdleKick script'
# Force at least 20 seconds between idle checks:
if interval < 10: interval = 10
# Print debug message if autokick is disabled:
if autokick != 1:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print 'IDLEKICK: Idle autokick not enabled'
# Autokick is enabled, so hook it up:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print 'IDLEKICK: Enabling kick for being idle. Max. checkfails = %s.' % (warnings)
# Register 'PlayerConnect' callback:
host.registerHandler('PlayerConnect', onPlayerConnect, 1)
host.registerHandler('PlayerSpawn', onPlayerSpawn, 1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Callback function for the "PlayerConnect" event:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def onPlayerConnect(p):
#Resets the idle warning counter for the player
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Callback function for the "PlayerSpawn" event:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def onPlayerSpawn(p,s):
# Sets the 'actuallyPlaying' flag for the player
p.actuallyPlaying = True
# We can reset the warnings, since the player has actually spawned.
p.idleWarnings = 0
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Callback function for the "PreGame" game status event:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def onGameStatusChanged(status):
# Enables the idle check timer
# Import variables, and update the game status:
global gamestatus, kicklist, AnnounceTimer
gamestatus = status
if gamestatus == bf2.GameStatus.Playing:
if announceme ==1:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Round Started. Setting AnnounceTimer"
AnnounceTimer = bf2.Timer(onAnnounceTimer,10,1)
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Round Started. (Re-)enabling check-timer"
# Enable the idle check timer:
elif gamestatus == bf2.GameStatus.PreGame:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Game status changed to PreGame. Killing check-timer"
# Kill the check-timer
elif gamestatus == bf2.GameStatus.Paused:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Game status changed to Paused. Killing check-timer"
# Kill the check-timer
elif gamestatus == bf2.GameStatus.EndGame:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Game status changed to EndGame. Reset Players, Kicklist and killing check-timer"
# Kill the check-timer
# Reset the kicklist
kicklist = []
# Reset players:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reset the idlescript variables placed in the player object:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def resetPlayers():
# Reset Warnings and stuff:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Resetting Players"
for p in bf2.playerManager.getPlayers():
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Reset the idlescript variables placed in the player object:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def resetPlayer(p):
# Reset Warnings and stuff:
p.idleWarnings = 0
p.actuallyPlaying = False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Callback function for timer, that delays a message at round start:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def onAnnounceTimer(data):
global AnnounceTimer
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Entering onAnnounceTimer... Sending the Activated announcement"
msg = "Activated! Kicking after " + str(warnings) + " checks."
AnnounceTimer = None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Send text messages to the server, using rcon game.sayAll:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def sendMsg(msg):
# Sure you can edit this. But hey, why not give us the credit? ;-)
host.rcon_invoke("game.sayAll \"[XLR]No-Idle: " + str(msg) + "\"")
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable the KickTimer:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def enableKickTimer():
# Enables the timer that runs the 'kickPlayers' functions
global KickTimer
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Enabling the kicktimer..."
KickTimer = bf2.Timer(kickPlayers, 5, 1)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Enable the IkCheckTimer:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def enableCheckTimer():
# Enables the timer that runs the 'checkidle' function
global IkCheckTimer
if IkCheckTimer:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: IkCheckTimer (already) running: Next check @ %s" % (IkCheckTimer.getTime())
return True
# Create the timer:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Timer not enabled. Enabling..."
IkCheckTimer = bf2.Timer(checkidle, interval, 1)
# Print debug message telling the status of the timer:
if IkCheckTimer:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: First check @ %s" % (IkCheckTimer.getTime())
return True
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: ERROR: IkCheckimer Not enabled in def enableCheckTimer()"
return False
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Disable the IkCheckTimer:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def disableCheckTimer():
global IkCheckTimer
IkCheckTimer = None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Loop all players, checking their idle, kick high-idleer:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def checkidle(data):
# Checks idle of all players, and kicks idlers
global kicklist, gamestatus
# We only want to check idle during rounds:
if gamestatus != bf2.GameStatus.Playing: return
# Make sure our timer is enabled:
if not enableCheckTimer(): return
if bf2.playerManager.getNumberOfPlayers() < minplayers:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Not enough players to check for idlers..."
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Running checkidle"
# Loop all players
for p in bf2.playerManager.getPlayers():
# Do not check players that haven't completed their "connect" yet:
if not p.isConnected():
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Player not yet connected, continuing..."
if p.isAlive():
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Player is already playing, continuing..."
if p.isManDown():
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Player in ManDown state, continuing..."
# Get the player name. We'll use it often:
name = str(p.getName())
# Prevent Clanmembers from being kicked
skip = 0
for clantag in clantags:
if name.find(clantag)>-1:
skip = 1
if skip == 1: continue
# If we have a valid idle, check it, and issue a warning if the idle exceeds the limit:
p.idleWarnings += 1
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Player " + name + " has been detected as idle " + str(p.idleWarnings) + " time(s)"
if warnme == 1 and p.idleWarnings == (warnings - 3):
#tmp = p.idleWarnings * interval / 60
sendMsg("WARNING: " + name + " has not returned to duty for quite some time now. Move in fast, you're about to be court marshalled!")
# Issue a warning if a player has reached the maximum number of warnings. Will be kicked next time 'checkidle' is run:
if warnings <= p.idleWarnings:
#tmp = p.idleWarnings * intervals / 60
sendMsg("Desertion Violation: " + name + " is being removed for not returning to duty in time! (aka idling)")
# Add the player to the kicklist:
# Check of we shall enable the kicktimer:
if len(kicklist):
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Function run by the kicktimer:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
def kickPlayers(data):
# Loops through 'kicklist', and kicks players accordingly.
#print "IDLEKICK: kickPlayers..."
global kicklist, KickTimer
for i in kicklist:
p = bf2.playerManager.getPlayerByIndex(i[0])
# Make sure we're not kicking a player that has gotten an already disconnected "violater's" index:
if not p.getProfileId() == i[1]: continue
# Check if this player indeed has reached the limit for maximum warnings
if warnings <= p.idleWarnings:
# Kick if limit is reached:
if g_debug or xlr_debug: print "IDLEKICK: Kicking player " + p.getName() + " for being idle."
result = host.rcon_invoke("admin.kickPlayer " + str(p.index))
kicklist = []
KickTimer = None
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------