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Revision as of 08:05, 12 August 2022 by UTurista (talk | contribs)
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Function Name Address Relative Address Ordinal
deinitDll 0x10024630 0x00024630 1 (0x1)
initDll 0x100241d0 0x000241d0 2 (0x2)
Function Name Address Relative Address Ordinal
deinitDll 0x100637e0 0x100637e0 1 (0x1)
initDll 0x10063340 0x00063340 2 (0x2)
Function Name Address Relative Address Ordinal
getSoundEngine 0x10007ad0 0x00007ad0 1 (0x1)
shutdownSoundEngine 0x10007b80 0x00007b80 2 (0x2)
Function Name Address Relative Address Ordinal
alBuffer3f 0x100092a0 0x000092a0 3 (0x3)
alBuffer3i 0x100092a0 0x000092a0 4 (0x4)
alBufferData 0x10008700 0x00008700 5 (0x5)
alBufferf 0x100092a0 0x000092a0 6 (0x6)
alBufferfv 0x100092a0 0x000092a0 7 (0x7)
alBufferi 0x100092a0 0x000092a0 8 (0x8)
alBufferiv 0x100092a0 0x000092a0 9 (0x9)
alcCaptureCloseDevice 0x1002f260 0x0002f260 76 (0x4c)
alcCaptureOpenDevice 0x10030c00 0x00030c00 77 (0x4d)
alcCaptureSamples 0x1002f3d0 0x0002f3d0 78 (0x4e)
alcCaptureStart 0x1002f370 0x0002f370 79 (0x4f)
alcCaptureStop 0x1002f3a0 0x0002f3a0 80 (0x50)
alcCloseDevice 0x1002f9e0 0x0002f9e0 81 (0x51)
alcCreateContext 0x100360c0 0x000360c0 82 (0x52)
alcDestroyContext 0x1002f840 0x0002f840 83 (0x53)
alcGetContextsDevice 0x1002f900 0x0002f900 84 (0x54)
alcGetCurrentContext 0x1002f8d0 0x0002f8d0 85 (0x55)
alcGetEnumValue 0x1002f810 0x0002f810 86 (0x56)
alcGetError 0x1002f6c0 0x0002f6c0 87 (0x57)
alcGetIntegerv 0x10031010 0x00031010 88 (0x58)
alcGetProcAddress 0x1002f790 0x0002f790 89 (0x59)
alcGetString 0x100331e0 0x000331e0 90 (0x5a)
alcIsExtensionPresent 0x1002f6e0 0x0002f6e0 91 (0x5b)
alcMakeContextCurrent 0x1002f950 0x0002f950 92 (0x5c)
alcOpenDevice 0x10033490 0x00033490 93 (0x5d)
alcProcessContext 0x1002f6d0 0x0002f6d0 94 (0x5e)
alcSuspendContext 0x1002f6d0 0x0002f6d0 95 (0x5f)
alDeleteBuffers 0x10009680 0x00009680 10 (0xa)
alDeleteSources 0x1001c450 0x0001c450 11 (0xb)
alDisable 0x1001e930 0x0001e930 12 (0xc)
alDistanceModel 0x1001f350 0x0001f350 13 (0xd)
alDopplerFactor 0x1001f170 0x0001f170 14 (0xe)
alDopplerVelocity 0x1001f210 0x0001f210 15 (0xf)
alEnable 0x1001e930 0x0001e930 16 (0x10)
alGenBuffers 0x10008570 0x00008570 17 (0x11)
alGenSources 0x1001c110 0x0001c110 18 (0x12)
alGetBoolean 0x1001e9b0 0x0001e9b0 19 (0x13)
alGetBooleanv 0x1001ed40 0x0001ed40 20 (0x14)
alGetBuffer3f 0x10009500 0x00009500 21 (0x15)
alGetBuffer3i 0x10009500 0x00009500 22 (0x16)
alGetBufferf 0x10009300 0x00009300 23 (0x17)
alGetBufferfv 0x10009300 0x00009300 24 (0x18)
alGetBufferi 0x10009380 0x00009380 25 (0x19)
alGetBufferiv 0x10009590 0x00009590 26 (0x1a)
alGetDouble 0x1001eaa0 0x0001eaa0 27 (0x1b)
alGetDoublev 0x1001ee30 0x0001ee30 28 (0x1c)
alGetEnumValue 0x10018ca0 0x00018ca0 29 (0x1d)
alGetError 0x10018aa0 0x00018aa0 30 (0x1e)
alGetFloat 0x1001eb90 0x0001eb90 31 (0x1f)
alGetFloatv 0x1001ef00 0x0001ef00 32 (0x20)
alGetInteger 0x1001ec70 0x0001ec70 33 (0x21)
alGetIntegerv 0x1001efd0 0x0001efd0 34 (0x22)
alGetListener3f 0x10019460 0x00019460 35 (0x23)
alGetListener3i 0x100196a0 0x000196a0 36 (0x24)
alGetListenerf 0x100193c0 0x000193c0 37 (0x25)
alGetListenerfv 0x10019510 0x00019510 38 (0x26)
alGetListeneri 0x10019630 0x00019630 39 (0x27)
alGetListeneriv 0x10019780 0x00019780 40 (0x28)
alGetProcAddress 0x10018c40 0x00018c40 41 (0x29)
alGetSource3f 0x10019f20 0x00019f20 42 (0x2a)
alGetSource3i 0x10019ff0 0x00019ff0 43 (0x2b)
alGetSourcef 0x1001c600 0x0001c600 44 (0x2c)
alGetSourcefv 0x1001c8f0 0x0001c8f0 45 (0x2d)
alGetSourcei 0x1001ca50 0x0001ca50 46 (0x2e)
alGetSourceiv 0x1001cd80 0x0001cd80 47 (0x2f)
alGetString 0x1001f0b0 0x0001f0b0 48 (0x30)
alIsBuffer 0x100086a0 0x000086a0 49 (0x31)
alIsEnabled 0x1001e970 0x0001e970 50 (0x32)
alIsExtensionPresent 0x10018b20 0x00018b20 51 (0x33)
alIsSource 0x100198c0 0x000198c0 52 (0x34)
alListener3f 0x10018e10 0x00018e10 53 (0x35)
alListener3i 0x10019200 0x00019200 54 (0x36)
alListenerf 0x10018d00 0x00018d00 55 (0x37)
alListenerfv 0x10018f40 0x00018f40 56 (0x38)
alListeneri 0x10019190 0x00019190 57 (0x39)
alListeneriv 0x10019280 0x00019280 58 (0x3a)
alSource3f 0x10019940 0x00019940 59 (0x3b)
alSource3i 0x10019b70 0x00019b70 60 (0x3c)
alSourcef 0x1001d2f0 0x0001d2f0 71 (0x47)
alSourcefv 0x1001da90 0x0001da90 72 (0x48)
alSourcei 0x1001dc00 0x0001dc00 73 (0x49)
alSourceiv 0x1001e530 0x0001e530 74 (0x4a)
alSourcePause 0x1001a100 0x0001a100 61 (0x3d)
alSourcePausev 0x1001a190 0x0001a190 62 (0x3e)
alSourcePlay 0x1001e670 0x0001e670 63 (0x3f)
alSourcePlayv 0x1001e7b0 0x0001e7b0 64 (0x40)
alSourceQueueBuffers 0x1001cf60 0x0001cf60 65 (0x41)
alSourceRewind 0x1001a440 0x0001a440 66 (0x42)
alSourceRewindv 0x1001a500 0x0001a500 67 (0x43)
alSourceStop 0x1001a270 0x0001a270 68 (0x44)
alSourceStopv 0x1001a330 0x0001a330 69 (0x45)
alSourceUnqueueBuffers 0x1001a620 0x0001a620 70 (0x46)
alSpeedOfSound 0x1001f2b0 0x0001f2b0 75 (0x4b)
EAXGet 0x1000b7d0 0x0000b7d0 1 (0x1)
EAXSet 0x1000ba90 0x0000ba90 2 (0x2)
Function Name Address Relative Address Ordinal
public: __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer(void) 0x10001380 0x00001380 1 (0x1)
public: __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::~CBF2VoipServer(void) 0x100013d0 0x000013d0 2 (0x2)
public: bool __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::IsRunning(void) 0x100011a0 0x000011a0 5 (0x5)
public: class BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServerInstance * __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::getInstance(unsigned int) 0x100012a0 0x000012a0 10 (0xa)
public: enum VOIP::VRESULT __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::CreateInstance(unsigned int,class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> >,int &) 0x10001680 0x00001680 3 (0x3)
public: enum VOIP::VRESULT __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::Initialize(bool) 0x100011b0 0x000011b0 4 (0x4)
public: enum VOIP::VRESULT __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::ReleaseAllInstances(void) 0x10001500 0x00001500 6 (0x6)
public: enum VOIP::VRESULT __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::ReleaseInstance(int) 0x10001450 0x00001450 7 (0x7)
public: enum VOIP::VRESULT __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::Shutdown(void) 0x100015d0 0x000015d0 8 (0x8)
public: enum VOIP::VRESULT __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::Update(void) 0x100012d0 0x000012d0 9 (0x9)
public: unsigned int __thiscall BF2VoipServer::CBF2VoipServer::getNumInstances(void) 0x10001280 0x00001280 11 (0xb)